Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Experiences & Goals

Writing has been truly & passionately apart of my life for quite awhile now. I began noticing how better I've got in writing toward the end of my 7th grade year. I noticed that i had a voice & emotion to mostly every piece that i wrote. & then high school came along & having the right concepts & traits has made me become a more successful writer. My pieces in my freshmen year have surprised me, myself. For example, Roots & Recipe. That piece has motivated my to become a better writer & to look forward to the journey i have in becoming a better writer. It really showed my 'style' & personally & how i write.

Generally, my goal is to progress & press forward into become a better writer. & also to just put out the best work pieces possible. To prove that a guy like me can WRITE & express his feelings as much as he wants; to create that voice. & letting my voice be noticed & to be heard.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Micah,
    Glad to hear that your initial Roots and Recipes piece about your grandma's potato salad provided confidence and motivation for your writing efforts!

    As far as specific goals, I would recommend that you focus on 1-3 of the traits for the coming year. That way, although the overall result will better writing, you will get there by targeting specific strategies, skills, etc.

    You did a nice job on the pro-con impromptu. I notice from your outline that you are using transitional words effectively. You also combined both evidence from the articles and your own experience and examples in your essay.

    I think the essay would be even stronger if you were able to find other, specific ways that tech could enhance learning, beyond the soothing quality of music.

    As far as mechanics, it would probably be helpful to improve your use of pronouns. For example, take a look at the different references for the pronoun "it" in your essay. Sometimes, the referent is not clear and when that happens, the reader has a difficult time.

    mrs s
