Thursday, January 14, 2010

More than just firework.

Hawaii is one of the luckiest and one of the only states that celebrate the New Year's popping fireworks. So many people rush to the supermarkets to buy the best. No matter how much it costs everyone in Hawaii thinks its all worth it. It brings joy to the little ones to see that big, bright, spark in the sky. Smoke fills the air on this big night of New Year's Eve. You hear all the BOOMs! BAMs! in the sky. Which both, smoke and sounds don't bring music to their ears and nose. Local residents complain and "try" to make all this stop but some just feel like its all worth burning through the night.
Some go to extravagant that leave people with a night to remember, sending them in critical conditions of burns, scars, and cuts. People should be more responsible and cautious when popping fireworks. Overall, fireworks has been apart of Hawaii for many years. Some for tradition, some for fun, and some to celebrate on this special day. It has always burn that fire in our hearts to do it again next year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Micah,
    I am not sure what your position is in this blog. You present both sides of the argument, but don't seem to have taken a stand on the issue. In a pro-con argument, your thesis does need to take a stand and that stand determines how you set up the argument and transitions and overall organization.
    Also, there are many mechanical errors...words that seem to be left out and just careless kinds of the "firework" in the title.
    assessment score: 2
    mrs s
