Thursday, April 1, 2010

Journal #32

1. Describe a memorable learning experience
2. What is your vision for your ideal school
3. What do you need to learn & how?

1. A memorable learning experience for me was this past summer of '09. My church was having a youth camp called Revolution '09 and i was asked to come. Despite my attended has a youth leader at the time, they thought it would be good for me; to get my life back up on my feet again. Going to this camp has impacted my life so much. I've learned a lot about people & their problems, the bible & how it'll guide me through life, & of course, God. This camp had changed my life completely, i've met new friends, shed many tears of guilt, and confessed all the baggage in my life. I'll never forget Summer of '09 & Camp Revolution.

2. An ideal school that i have envisioned was a school where students can learn freely. It consist of different buildings that fits each career. Like Arts & Communication, Health & Med, etc... In each building it will have classes that will get you to the occupation of choice. My ideal school will also be determine to be serious about their dreams and if not will be ask to attend a much lower academic. No bullies, no fights, no drama. -------kinda like college but mixed with high school.

3. I think before we leave high school we need to learn independence. We are practically going to be adults by the time we grad and we need to take our adolescent behavior seriously if we want to live in the "real world" & "big dogs". We won't see all our friends EVERYDAY so we'll basically live on our own, family & education will be on our priorities more so. But i think we need to grow up before leaving high school. Taking off the training wheels & GO!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Micah,
    Wow sounds as if Summer '09 was a life changing experience!
    Your vision of school sounds like one I'd like to teach in :) Besides the different "campuses" though, what types of content do you think would be necessary? And how would you propose to teach something like independence? That is a question that I think many teachers would like help in answering, too :)

    Assessment score: 3
    mrs s
